Saturday, December 13, 2008

Baby Jade's Full Month - Praying Session

Apparantly, we were too engrossed catching with friends that we didnt took any photos for Jade's celebration in the evening.

View photos here:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Jade's Milestone - 1 month

Jade @ birth - 23-10-2008

Thomson Medical Centre

Weight: 3400gm

Length: 50cm

Head Circumference: 34cm

Jade @ 1st month checkup - 25-11-2008

Paediatric Centre (Rivervale)

Weight: 4.79kg

Length: 57.5cm

Head Circumference: 37cm

Feeding: 120-125ml - Breastmilk & FM (Mamax Gold) - 2hourly


Jade's smile frequently during her sleep or when she is going to sleep. She gives satisfied grin when she is full. Initially she sleeps after every feed and sleeps for 1.5-2hrs. When she is reaching 1 month old, she sleeps about 30mins-1hr after which feed in the day. Usually, at night she sleeps around 7.30pm and wakes at 1am. She sleeps at at least 3-5 hours each time at night.


120ml-125ml. Prefers breastfeeding than drinking from bottled EBM or FM. Drinking Mamax Gold(Maybe changing soon.)


Jade's able to move her head from left to right lying on her back/or tummy down. She makes new noises too. She's able to ficus on objects but on very short period. She can recognise mummy & daddy best. She likes bright colors object.