Friday, June 11, 2010

Jade In Uniform

By the end of first week of school, we had confirmed that we want Jade to stay with this school.. or rather, Jade showed that she enjoyed school. She was always excited to go to school and wakes up early for school. But when we reached the school to check her temperature, she will start crying for me or daddy.

One little progress was that she wanted to sit on the chair provided to check her temperature and hands and feet! She usually finishes the food given to her in school. She tried to join in the music and dance. She follows her mate to go to the next session. She responses to her teachers instructions. She is begining to enjoy story telling session. She can say A - I. She is more confident...

We finally bought her uniform and she looks very smart in her uniform. See below for her photos!

Jade First Day In School - 1st June 2010, Tuesday

I was first worried that Jade would not want to wake up to go to school since she always wake up around 830-10am... but a week before school

starts, I had been telling her and counting down with her. I did tell her that we are going to school!

Finally the day came, 1st June 2010, Tuesday. She was excited as I brought her a pink dress which my aunt bought for her. She loves to wear dress! She was very happy and wanted to wear her shoes and go to school. Then she saw her bag. A black cat bag. She wanted to carry the bag herself too!

Anyway, we reached the school just nice for her to eat breakfast. Breakfast time is 8.30am. They were having pandan cake. Jade likes to eat cake... she finished it very quickly and we proceed to the Assembly area. There were already some teachers and schoolmates dancing, doing morning excercise. But Jade did not want to join in. Instead she walked around the school compound and asking me to open the gate to the indoor playground.

I had to carry her a few times to make her stay in the assembly area. The kids waited for everyone to assemble and they will say the pledge then. Nice...

Shortly it was playground time for Jade's playgroup. See below for the indoor playground photo. After that seesion, I 'disappeared' and left Jade with her teachers and classmates. Therefore no more photos...