Saturday, December 13, 2008

Baby Jade's Full Month - Praying Session

Apparantly, we were too engrossed catching with friends that we didnt took any photos for Jade's celebration in the evening.

View photos here:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Jade's Milestone - 1 month

Jade @ birth - 23-10-2008

Thomson Medical Centre

Weight: 3400gm

Length: 50cm

Head Circumference: 34cm

Jade @ 1st month checkup - 25-11-2008

Paediatric Centre (Rivervale)

Weight: 4.79kg

Length: 57.5cm

Head Circumference: 37cm

Feeding: 120-125ml - Breastmilk & FM (Mamax Gold) - 2hourly


Jade's smile frequently during her sleep or when she is going to sleep. She gives satisfied grin when she is full. Initially she sleeps after every feed and sleeps for 1.5-2hrs. When she is reaching 1 month old, she sleeps about 30mins-1hr after which feed in the day. Usually, at night she sleeps around 7.30pm and wakes at 1am. She sleeps at at least 3-5 hours each time at night.


120ml-125ml. Prefers breastfeeding than drinking from bottled EBM or FM. Drinking Mamax Gold(Maybe changing soon.)


Jade's able to move her head from left to right lying on her back/or tummy down. She makes new noises too. She's able to ficus on objects but on very short period. She can recognise mummy & daddy best. She likes bright colors object.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Birth Story - Jade Tern Gek Teng 唐 玉 庭

This is going to be a long long post!

At wk 38, Dr Lim assured the usual, "the placenta's ok, baby's healthy, fluid's enough... etc" Before we left his room, he bid goodbye, "I'll see you next week or anytime in labour." As usual, we left the clinic happily to anticipate Jade's arrival.

God knows, at wk 39 when we visit Dr Lim, we were informed that my amniotic fluid was low and was told to do a detail scan asap. And we did it the next day, which was wednesday 22-Oct-08. The detail scan confirmed that my amniotic fluid was too low. We have to decide to do a caesarean delivery by Fri as Dr Lim adviced that the rate for induced delivery is low and we cannot afford to wait for another week. And so we scheduled to do a caesarean delivery with epidural the next day, 23-Oct-08, Thurs, 12pm.

I did not like the idea being knocked out and letting someone cut up up when I was unconscious. Therefore, I was glad that Dr Lim suggested epidural and I could be awake throughout the procedure and I can even breastfeed after the operation wthout feeling drowsy. He assured me that with epidural the pain is more bearable. I wondered how true....

Dr Lim had an operation at 10.30am and I was scheduled right after that. I had to fast after 5am!! I couldn't sleep well at night as I was very nervous. I had never undergo the knife before. This will be major one.

23-Oct-08, Thurs, 4am: Alvin woke me up to drink a mug of mummy's milk. I was too tired to note whatever brand it was.

6.45am: We woke up to bathe! It was really a great shower! *Damned I missed it so much!*

7.40am: Finally reached the reception to register.

9am plus: Hmm... wondered why it took us so long to be brought to my ward. We had to fill up some forms and listen to some explanation. I had chosen 4-bedder but was upgraded 2-bedder. *Nice room. Though not the renovated one. pretty cool as my initial room mate was off to another ward. It was almost like 1-bedder. The minus point was that I could not dare to sleep at night alone!!!!

10.15am: the nurse applied a kind of cream which will make me pass motion. It was just another horrible experience! I was told to hold off for another 15 mins if possible. But within 3 mins, I rushed off to the toilet!! *argh*

10.30am: I always thought hospital staffs are not so punctual afterall. As I was earlier promised the 'poo poo' cream will be given to me at 10am. This time, the labour ward nurse with a stern face(the only not-so-friendly staff I had encountered at TMC) came to 'escort' me to the operation theatre, greeting me with the scary operation bed. I was told that I would be next after the 10.30am mummy. Oh my god.. that this time, Dr Lim must have been preparing to slice her the way he was going to slice me up. *gulp!*

11am: I was separated from Alvin!!! From the reception, all the way up 10.30am when the labour staff came, he was with me. I was not that scared. But once, we were separated. I was shivering with fear! I was such a coward! He was made to wait till I had been sliced open at the family lounge(I think). I laid on the operation bed, waiting outside the operation theatre while the staff cleared the room and waiting for Dr Lim and Dr Liew( the anesthesiologist). From where I was, I could see the clock. I just keep looking at the time and wondered when it would be my turn. I thought it should be pretty fast...

The anesthesiologist came and described the procedure for epidura. I am a chicken when it comes to injection too! I just nodded my head and gave a faint smile. He patted my shoulder and asked me to relax! * How to relax? I had been waiting there like nobody's business and being separated from Alvin and going to be jabbed on my back and even though I am super scared and frail, I had to push my back against the jab?? and then being cut open... will Jade felt intruded? Will she be shocked? I must had think too much!!!*

Finally, someone came, she smiled and said something like the operation room was ready, now they were just waiting for Dr Lim to come. A couple more staff came and pushed me to the so-called ready room. Dr Liew came shortly. I sat up, he cleaned my back with a super cold antiseptic lotion. This made me shivered non-stop. The coldness hit me harder when he injected the epidural into my back. I had never shivered so voilently before. It was one more bad experience for this caerean operation! I only yearned to see Alvin and Jade quickly.

Somehow Dr Liew knew I was very nervous. Guess my heartbeat betrayed me. I could not talk much, though he was trying to be nice and kept assuring me that it was okay and asked me to relax. I could still feel pressure and some sensation but not the pain so he asked me not to give big reaction else my husband will panick and thought that I was in great pain or discomfort. I wanted very much to laugh as I am really feeling discomfort from the shivering. Anyway, the shivering was normal, I was told, but I did not feel at ease.

After much waiting, I lost in time! Before, I cursed silently again.. Dr Lim made his appearance! His usual assuring smile and greeted me good morning. I smiled back and said 'Hi". Then he gave a serious face and told me that he was going to draw a line on my bikini line. I would really appreaciate if he quickly do what he had to do and give me back Alvin.

Dr Lim pressed my tummy a few times and I think he slice my bikini line when he instructed the labour staff to bring my husband to me as he was going to deliver my baby!!! * Finally! I felt so touched! After all the shivering and waiting, Jade's coming out finally!*

Alvin came in and was really shocked to see me shivering, of which, Dr Liew promptly explained about the side effects and that I really will not feel any pain. I grabbed his hand and felt better. Jade's really coming. Dr Liew pushed my upper abs when Dr Lim gave a signal. In a short while, Jade's out. Dr Lim got Alvin to count in 8s two or three times before he cut off her imblical cord. A while more, we heard Jade's cries. I could have cried. I think I must haven used up most energy on feeling scared and nervous. I felt really spent and hungry. *haha*

Jade was being cleaned before she was thrown onto my chest for us to take photo. Alvin could have cried too, but he told me that he must have felt more happy than any other feelings.

Dr Liew even complimented Alvin's smile and said that he seldom sees father smiles so nice and happy. Hmm... Maybe the other daddys are feeling stressed and nervous like their wifes? I could only smile and felt more light-hearted when Alvin and Jade's with me...

Jade's Weight: 3400gm
Height: 50

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I couldnt really sleep well at night as Baby Jade seems to be practising karate kicks and punches in my womb. They do cause some discomfort and sometimes even pain. Her kicks are so powerful today that I wonder if it is a good idea to enrol her to Teawondo or Karate. hehe.. Me and Alvin want her to at least take up a martial art be it Chinese kungfu(following Uncle Andy's footstep), Taewondo(following Uncle Wisely's footstep) or Karate (following Uncle Pat's footstep). Back to the story, sometimes her movements are so vigorious like I wonder if it is the so-called contractions??? I saw movements on my tummy so I guess its my baby shifting herself and not contractions right?

When I told mum about Jade's movements, she mocked and said, "She don't want to stay in the fatty tummy. It must be very cramped inside." yah, my tummy is supposed to be cramp! but fatty?! *hrumpf* this is my first baby... of coz my womb is not too stretched and seasoned.

Last week and this week, Jade's daddy is working night shift. As my tummy is getting bigger and bigger, moreover, his friends' been telling him that since Jade is already 2.7kg, she may popped out anytime. This really worries us. *sweat*

But I hope she can stay inside for at least another week as my mum has hurt her shoulder and has not recovered and I felt really bad. She was helping us to wash and tan Jade's clothes which I think that is why it takes so long for her to recover. I tried to help but she scolded me and say if anything happen to me, that would be worst as no one is at home to help. Rightly.. a lady in her mid forties with sprained shoulder and a frail pregnant woman.

Anyway, today mum has helped me washed the last batch of Jade's stuff and here's some photos of her cuties:

Guess, we got her too many pinkies..

Her playpen has been set up. Playpen's a gift from Aunties MeiHui, Angel, Germaine and Uncle Alex. Its a bit messy though. But the mattress sheets and pillow sheets and stuff will be nicely put up before she and me discharged frm the hospital... still some more days to go..

geez.. i think that's all for today.. I am kinda sleeply. *yawnz*

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wyeth Gold Club Pregnancy Newsletter: Month 9

Subscribe to this url,, if you havent done so..

This month is all about getting ready for the big day. You need to pack your hospital bag and keep it somewhere handy, ready to go at a moment's notice. You may also want to wash everything your baby will be wearing in a mild detergent before packing it so it's ready to use when she's born.

Here's a checklist of some things you might want to pack:
Your hospital bag
Front opening nightgowns or loose-fitting casual outfits
Nursing bras and breast pads
Panties that you won't mind throwing away if they become stained
Toiletry bag including toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, hairbrush, shampoo, make-up
Sanitary pads
Loose-fitting clothes for going home

Your labor bag
Your birth plan
Old nightgown or t-shirt for giving birth
Vaseline and lip balm
Lotion or massage oil
Radio or CD/tape player

Your baby's bag
Sleep suits
Sweater, coat, hat, socks, mittens for the journey home
Baby blanket
Car seat (you might not be allowed to take your baby home in a car without one!)

Dads need a bag for the hospital too, so get packing! You might want to bring :
Layers of clothes that can be removed or added
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Snacks and drinks
Watch or clock with second hand for timing contractions
Games/books to keep you both occupied during labor
Camera or video camera WITH film or tape
Coins or phone cards. (Use of mobile phones is usually restricted to outside the hospital building)
List of names and numbers: her parents, yours, and so on
Pen and paper to write down details of your baby's vital statistics

And don't forget to stock the freezer and cupboards with easy to prepare meals for when you return home!

My baby..

At week 36, your baby is around 46 cm and weighs 2.5 kg. She has beautiful eyes and her head has dropped into your pelvic cavity. By week 40, she's completely ready to be born, although she's unlikely to arrive on the due date. Only 5% of babies give their parents this satisfaction!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I went to see Dr Lim on tuesday. I was told by him that my water retention is not too bad, even though I felt that my swollen fingers and toes are quite sore. Mum mocks that I am just fat and is not due to water retention.

Another thing I am concerned is my heavy v. discharge. It is too wet and Dr Lim did another test with my sample. We will only know the results on our next visit which is two weeks later.

As usual, he looked at my protein level from the urine test, he would advice, "rest 8-9 hours a day even if you are not tired." which is what I did recently. I think I rest more then 9hours... hmmm i still need MORE rest. Mum is very nice to me. I didnt do any house work and sometimes hubby or mum bought my breakfast. but i try to take a stroll in the evening or go out for lunch to walk about.

As we took the scan, Doc announced Jade to be 2.7kg, which is normal to big for the baby same period as her. So I REALLY have to cut down on sugary sweets stuff and eat more protein and veggie! other than that, he said everything is ok and see us 2 wks later. haha.

He wrote us a letter for admission in case Jade's decided to arrive early. Symptoms like water bag burst, menses-like red discharge, severe tummy pain we have to call the emergency. I hope I heard everything right... coz I am having very bad memory since pregnancy...

And as usual, we left the clinic merrily. The wait for Jade's arrival is filled with excitement and slight fear. I wonder if I can really handle the newborn. Hopefully Jade is cooperative and mummy-friendly.

This week, my mum is exceptionally eager and she helps me washes Jade's clothes, napkins and towels etc. She even asks us to get the confinement herbs ASAP. Maybe she is anticipating Jade's early arrival, though we told her that Doc says that Jade may stick to the EDD which is end oct.

There's things which we havent buy yet:

1. J&J baby wash & lotion & oil

2. nail cutter (dunno which brand to get) - maybe pigeon

3. Home Slipper ( Mum says I need this for confinement)

4. nipple cream (dunno which one to buy. Read in some books that we can also squeezed some milk and apply on the nipple and air dry. This is good for sore/cracked nipples.)

5. Baby comforter ( we will be using play pen for the time being as we may be shifting. After the shift, we may get a cot.)

6. Disposable Diapers ( for night use. I also dunno what brand to buy too. Mum says that drypers is good enough, it did not give my baby bro any problem. Maybe diff baby diff kind of sensitivity and preference.)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Jade's Stuff - Part 1

Now Mummy is at wk 33/34. Est 4-6wks to Baby Jade's arrival!

Jade's been receiving gifts from Mummy's friends and relatives...

1. Urban Walker - Aqua. - gift from Great Aunt Catherine & Great Uncle-in-law Brandon

2. Fisher Price Infant-to-Toddler Rocker. Gift from Great Aunt Michelle.

3. Mummy's spree & online shopping from Babymallonline, Jshoppers, SMH forum bulk purchase/spree etc. Mummy bought some wash clothes, giraffe bibs, unisex rompers, socks etc.

4. Courtesy Gifts of tollyjoy bottles from Auntie Judith! Now Jade has so many colours to choose from! The avent bottle was given by the antenantal course with Mrs Wong from TMC. and Daddy bought Jade the pacifier...

5. Jade's toileteries! Some were sample packs. Mummy is going to buy some J&J as recommended by Mrs Wong. She commented that Pigeon is too bubbly, may not be so good for baby's skin. Maybe Mummy will use the kodomo herself. kekeke.... Just remembered, Mummy has not bought the Avent Barrier Cream yet. cost abt $17, was highly recommended by Mrs Wong.

Here's some bottles, pigeon detegent(to wash baby's clothes and hand-me-down), her stroller's fan, mattress cover, cotton wool etc. most of these and baby's basic were bought from Cheong Choon.

these were from Cheong Choon too.

6. Daddy & Mummy bought these from Mrs Wong. The bath towel is supposed not to get moulds & the swaddle blanket will not flared? ** i forgot what is the word she used. anyway, they are supposed to be of very good quality and baby-friendly!

7. Gift from Auntie Daylily aka Pei Ling. very lovely pink set.

8. Grandma Sandy found this long lost yet brand new ThermoScan at Great Grandma house in Tampines. Mummy got this from dunno where and has forgtten about it, until Grandma Sandy dig this out for Jade. Its never been use and Mummy has tested it to be in perfect condition. Heng ah, don't need to spend on the expensive thermometer. A pigeon's one cost about $70 too..

9. actually Jade's still got a box of baby's stuff from my in laws' friend. It was really a boxful of baby girl's basics, very pretty pair of princess shoes, napkins, rompers etc! Mummy will find some time to take the photo...

10. Also Great Grandma has handmade some dresses for Jade. They are really lovely but Mummy has yet to take the photo too. Grandma Sandy bought the baby essentials like the ru yu oil, lots of towels, handkies, some mittens, some dresses....

11. I got a hand-me-down Avent pump for spare from Grandma Sandy's friend, though i will be getting a manual avent pump.

12. Auntie MeiHui, Angel, Germaine & Uncle Alex got Jade a Babycraft Playpen-Orange.

13. Grandma Shirly wants to get Jade a cot.. but Daddy is comtemplating to get one now as we may be moving back to SengKang in Jan 09 and we can use the playpen temporary. But anyway, we have chosen a white baby cot. Its just a matter of time if we are gog to order it. :) oh, and if we really order the pretty white cot, we may be getting the classic pooh mattress cover set too! so pretty...

thanks for all the gifts and kind wishes... Mummy is now resting at home waiting for Jade's arrival.

Monday, September 1, 2008

what Wyeth Nutrition's Pregnancy Calculator Tells me...

Your Conception Date is(Approximately two weeks before your next menstrual period. You're in your First Trimester (weeks 1-12) 04 February 2008
Your baby's heart is beating, and the head, chest, and abdomen are beginning to form. 03 March 2008
The end of the first trimester - your baby's eyelids are obvious, tiny fingernails and toenails are present, joints contract, and your developing baby can suck and swallow. 14 April 2008
Ultrasound devices can detect a heartbeat at this point, and the fetus can curl its tiny fingers into fists. 28 April 2008
Your baby's teeth are forming in the jaw, and growing musculature is resulting in even more vigorous activity. You will now start to feel these movements as tiny flutters against your abdomen. 09 June 2008
Your baby's lungs have matured to the point where the fetus could breathe on its own outside the womb. 07 July 2008
Your baby is ready to be born. When baby is awake, the eyes are open and can discern light. Fingernails and toenails are so long that they will need to be cut shortly after birth. 27 October 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Law of Attraction

I wonder if I talk to my baby everyday, counting down the days and weeks with her, will make her arrival day more predicable. What I am really thinking is that I want my baby to arrive on the wk39. Not too early or too late. Since last week, I have been telling Jade, we have 'how many' days and 'how many' weeks more. Hope it works.

I have also been trying to tell Jade that "when mummy is pushing, you must help too." Hoping that her assistance will make my labour easier.

What do you think will this works?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Cord Blood Donation

I better note it down somewhere before I forgot... coz most probably we may be donating our cord blood.

a kind gesture of SHM Oct08 mummy:

Mommies who interested in cord blood donation, here are the nos to call:
1. TMC - 91064752
2. MAH - 91064752
3. ESH - 81389773
4. GEH - 813897743
5. KKH - 91064074; 81389776
6. MEH - 9106-4726
7. NUH - 91064726; 81389771
8. RH - 8138-9774
9. SGH - 91064734; 91064076

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Purchases for Baby's arrival

Actually I have downloaded a few checklist from Singapore Motherhood Forum, Baby Kingdom and dunno where-else and from some helpful mummies of course!

I realised there are so many things we havent prepared....

Baby’s Room

Baby’s Cot


Wind-up mobiles/ Merry-go-round








Cot sheets


Mattress protector

Changing table (optional)

Chest of Drawers











Nappy liners


Cotton buds


Blouse/shirts - long and short sleeves


Suits - pants and long shirts




Safety pins


Face towels

Cotton balls etc.

Nail clippers

Cream to prevent nappy rash

Oil for wind

Ziplock to store soiled pampers or nappies.

Gripe Water

Baby bathing


Baby bath tub

Bath mat

Bath towel

Bath sponge

Baby soap/ bath lotion

Baby shampoo

Cotton buds

A jug of cool boiled water

Baby oil

Baby powder with puff

Tissue paper


Care of the Umbilical Cord Stump

Sterile swab applicators

Sterile cotton swabs

Sterile container for cord spirit

Cord spirit

Feeding Baby

Milk bottles & small sized teats

Bottle scrub brush

Warmer cum carrier bag

Thermometer (to use when baby is unwell)

Large pan/pot (for sterilising)

Tongs (to handle hot bottles)

6-Bottle Electric Steam Steriliser (optional)

Milk containers





Rubber protectors




Baby carrier


Toys & Playstuff



Baby gym

Mummy Care

Maternity Dress/ Pyjamas with front opening for breast feeding

Breast cream

Cotton balls

Nursing pads

Disposible panties

Sanitary pads

Bedroom slippers

Breast pump

Other optional items

Electrical Flask

Claypot or double boil claypot for mum’s confinement soup

Information is copyright by

Hospital Bag Essentials

We went for the hospital tour for TMC before and I think was told that we do not need to bring anything for the baby as TMC will be giving us the newborn essentials and there will be some goodies for the baby to bring back. We can still bring formulas or diaper if we choose to. See below for some guidelines.

Hospital Bag Essentials


You want to be as prepared as possible for your birth. If you're planning a hospital or birth center birth, what

should you bring with you? TheAsianParent offers this handy checklist.

For Admission

Identity cards for both husband and wife

Letter from Gynae

Marriage Certificate


Booking Slip for admission

Birth Plan

Blood results - given by your gynae

For The Mother

3 night dresses, preferably with buttons in front for breast-feeding

1 set dress for going home

1 pair of bedroom slippers

1 pair of socks for your feet

3 nursing brassiere

10 disposable maternity panties

1 box of maternity sanitary pad

1 box of tissues

1 bag of toiletries – soap, comb, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, dental floss, deodorant, facial

soap, eyeglasses, contact lens case and solution.

1 face towel

1 lip gloss (hospital air is dry)

2 plastic bags for soiled clothing

For the Baby

3 Blouses/shirts

3 pairs of mittens and booties

3 wrapping blankets

1 packet of disposable diapers

1 box of tissue papers

3 handkerchiefs

Optional Items

Books for reading

1 packet of biscuits

Lollipops and hard candy



Cell phone

Ear Plugs

Aromatheraphy oil

Extra bag, to bring home gifts

Birth Plan

I heard Mrs Wong mentioned a few times about birth plan. And I wondered what the hell is it? hehe... arent our gynea supposed to guide us through and advises us? so we can make some decisions ourselves.. in a way... see below.. I didnt know I have to think about the below questions. Hopefully we will be well-prepared to go into labour. Attending Mrs Wong's antenantal class definitely prepares us for labour. The rest is up to ourselves. RELAX!!! I still have 11-12 wks to go...

Birth Plan


A birth plan is a document that tells your doctor and the hospital staff how you'd like your labour and delivery to progress. Here are a few questions you might want to include in your plan:

If labour begins naturally, when would you like to be admitted?

Do you have any drug allergies?

Do you want your pubic hair to be shaved?

What birthing aids would you like? (A birthing pool, birthing stool, birthing ball, aromatherapy, music, heat packs)

Are you willing to have labour induced?

What is your attitude toward pain relief?

Are you willing to have an emergency C-section if required?

Who do you want in the rooom with you when you deliver and/or need a C-section?

Do you have any special wishes for the first moments after your baby is born?

Do you want your baby cleaned before he is given to you or do you want him put into your arms


Do you want to be left alone with your baby and your partner for a few minutes immediately after the


What are your desires in regard to breastfeeding?

Information is copyright by

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

baby's full month venue

i m now staying with my parents. both our parents house are quite small and restuarant and hotels are out of budget as my hubby has lots of relatives. and was advice not to book chalets as the environment is not baby-friendly.

is it feasible to have lunch buffet at my mil house and a dinner buffet at my mom's house? is it weird? anyone did this before?

wk 27/28

i am finally in my third trimester. 2nd trimester just happened too fast. And I merely remembered that I was busying participating in some sprees and shopping trips. I had bought many pink clothings and some giraffes bibs. I had wanted to post my victory online but was too lazy to take photos.

Some friends had given me some new and used baby stuff. I must thanked them as it would be a great help financially. Currently, I am getting hubby to cut cost on our expenses and then I realised that I am spending more than usual. Maybe because I am still working, and I want to buy things for my baby with my own $$$. I am planning to stop working in mid Sep to anticipate for the arrival of my baby Jade! And may stop working for at least 6mth to 1yr. I am trying to make a clear goal.

Now I have been telling Jade to wait until 10-12 wks later to arrive. By then I would be in wk 38-40. I figured out that I should be it more precise. Tonight I will tell Jade to wait till 11 wks later, which will be wk39. It is not too late right? The full term is wk 40. But baby is fully developed by wk 37. Now I am counting down with Jade and hubby everyday.

We have just bought a wardrobe for our room. Since moving to toapayoh to stay with my parents, we have been throwing our clothes all over the place, on the boxes, on the floor etc. Today the wardrobe will come in and we will continue to pack our clothes. there are a lot of unwanted clothes, which we never sorted in SengKang before moving over. And me.. being pregnant, I have so many clothes that I cannot wear. I have to pack them aside. I will empty a cabinate so that I can put baby's clothings and whatever there. I had bought some very pretty dresses and onsies for Jade but the basic everyday wear is still pending. We should be getting by next week or by 19th Aug(Gynea visit day) whereby I will spend whole day shopping for most of baby's stuff.

This week there is Baby Fair at Takashimaya. We are going to get a suitable baby cot there. Alvin wants a white one. A friend told me that white color is painted one. Then Alvin answered back even the brown or oak ones have lacquered painted on. I dont mind white is very pretty..

I wanted to get a playpen. it would serve good purpose when Jade is there to visit her grand parants. Or maybe we can bring it along to whereever we go.. for example to Jade's grandparents' house, my grand mother's house or chalet?? hehe... What's exactly the purpose for playpen?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

snoring mummy

today dear told me that he woke up in the middle of the night due to my snoring.. :( I never snored before I was pregnant. *angry* hehe then i scolded him! he snored almost every night and I never once complained to him! :(

Anyway, since he complained.. i hope now he understands my plight. sleeping beside him is never a breeze... :) zzz zzz zzz I think i need more than 10 hours of sleep~!

this morning i had a cramp, luckily dear had not left for work yet, he was just beside the bed so he quickly massaged my leg for me. But he ended the call telling me that i fell asleep immediately once my cramp was gone. i felt like a pig... a moment ago i was screaming in pain, the next moment i doze off in deep sleep.. oink oink...


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

baby's name

Finally we have decided on the name 'Jade' for our baby girl.

And here's the url to her blog which I cross-post it through Multiply.

Origin and Meaning: JADE (Spanish) From the stone. Jewel name: the precious green stone

Additional info:

Jade has been considered a precious stone for thousands of years, used in jewellery, weapons, and grave goods. Its name is derived from the Spanish phrase "piedra de ijada," which means "bowel stones." It was believed that jade could prevent gastrointestinal distress.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Mummy's Milk Supplement

So far I have tried only Anmum Original and Chocolate flavour.
It tastes really blend and a bit heaty. The Chocolate tastes really weird.

As it doesnt taste so well, I took a looooong time to finish the free samples.. :)


The other brand that I have tried and love it, is Frisomum.
Its slightly sweet and diluted. It is said to have fibres included.


Anyone drinking other brands? and tastes good?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

pkum @ wk 22/23

We went to see Dr Lim on tuesday. He informed me that I am slightly over-weight. Alvin just could not contain himself. He kept laughing and he told me that he is going to laugh at me for at least a month. I think he thought that by doing that I will cut down on my sugary craving. Dr Lim kept reminding cut down on biscuits, rice and noodles and to eat more protein like meat. I am also supposed to rest at least 8-10hours on the bed whether I feel like sleeping or not.

Baby is growing well. EDD stays at end Oct. She weights about 500+grams. Only mummy is over-weight. Daddy keeps saying.. obese.. and overweight means overweight. There's no such thing as 'slightly' over-weight... Dr Lim is just being polite.. haha..

Hmm... naughtly daddy!!! but still after the gynea visit, Alvin brought me to China Square where there is a traditional chinese confectionary shop selling green bean biscuits and other traditional biscuits. My favourite is their Ma(3) Ti(2) Su(1), I dont know what's that in english. I think it contains malt honey in the center. Their biscuits are freshly baked... My tummy is grumbling now... hmmm... (luckily I brought some to the office.. but it is finishing soon) I hope Alvin will buy for me when I am too heavy to go anywhere. But he is always against of me eating sweet stuff.

He forbide me to eat durain.. *angry* but I ate a few durain puffs last month.. that was so long ago... :( Aunt Catherine wanted to buy some durain for me but the malaysian mobile uncle did not turn up last saturday, he was supposed to bring us some durians. The durains he sells are very yummy, most of the time even better than those in singapore food store or geylang. I think his business is so good that he skips our office last saturday.

My tummy is really getting bigger unlike the beginning, I lost some weight and my tummy was not that obvious, I did not take any photo of it. Now it is bigger, maybe I will try to take a photo weekly.. keke.. next time can show baby...

This weekend, I will buy some hagen daz ice cream. Maybe tiramisu and strawberry cheesecake.. been having craving on strawberries. I tried very hard to cut down on digging into ice creams and cakes and I turned to make my own strawberry milk agar agar last weekend. I was supposed to make pudding but I could not find gelatine made from fish. So I used agar agar powder, it turned out too hard. I like it though. But my fuzzy cousin, Wisely and naughty bro, Andy says its too bland. I was not supposed to put too much sugar!!!! I think it was good enough with the strawberry milky taste... *drool*

Maybe this weekend, I will make Mango ones... gotta go to buy Mango puree.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

confinement lady byebye

one fine day, my mum told me that she wont be able to help me with my confinement as she has to bring my youngest bro (now pri 1) to school and there are times, that she goes to the market. It was really stressful for me when she broke the news as I always thought that she'll be the one whom do my confinement for me just like my granny doing confinement for her.

Suddenly, I have to source for confinement lady. I went searching through the Singapore Motherhood forum and even sent enquiries to the agency(in case, I couldnt engaged any). Forced my hubby to discuss with my mum and dad as dad would not want a stay-in CL. (He opposed to having a maid as we are staying at his place we cant force him. therefore, I have to temporary be a stay at home mom. this is another side story...) As for my mum, she thinks that if engaged day CL, she might as well, do everything herself and save the $$$! But she was the one whom said she cannot handle!!!! then she suggested getting my granny to help out, at least she can help to take care of my youngest bro.

I was so stressful and the confinement agency keep calling me to follow up. I cannot give them an answer as my hubby was taking long sweet time to talk to my parents. Moreover, mum kept going to granny house to stay over. Dad seems to be only interested in his game and occassionally speaks of tying baby's hair when her hair comes out.

when finally my mum comes back from my granny house yesterday... my hubby spoke to her. to our surprise, she asked what made us want to hire a CL. she can help us. OMG!!! i think she got some memory loss. she was one of the cause that adds on stress to me and now she says that.

btw, hubby is working 3 or 4days per wk(due to his shift work) therefore he will be home half the month to care for me.. so he has to be my part time CL.. so nice...

anyway it is a GOOD thing. i have to pray to my Buddha... hiaz... thanks for making my wish comes true... and less one issue to worry about. haha...

its a baby girl..

by the way, i m expecting a baby girl this end of oct... and we are still very headache of deciding an english name for her. it should not be complicated and hard to pronounce as her grandparents will be calling them in a weird tone.

we wanted to call her Carrie. and my dad made fun of it by saying, "so next time, you will get the maid to carry Carrie? Doesnt it sound confusing?" so we drop this name...

then Alvin likes the name 'Amelia' but in the end, he read up and realised this name means "work hard, labour, hardworking". he does not want baby to grow up like a workaholic, so we dropped this name.

Fiona seems good to me, but he says he don't want his girl to be the same name as Fiona Xie. I like Celeste... of he gave the similiar excuse... Amber seems cute... He says there is no feel for this name. Ariel sounds cute too. He says hard to pronounce and he wants a feminine name for our little darling. Emily is out, as it has the same meaning as Amelia. Kimberly, Kim. NONO.. he has a aunt with that name.. Florence.. he dont like.

Somehow i am going crazy about this name selection thingy... he gave baby a new name each day... haha.. i guess little princess must be pretty confused by now...

I think worst comes to worst.. baby's name will be Jade as this was the first name I thought of. I already give up. Hahaha....

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

while mummy waiting for daddy to fetch

finally i get to blog about our baby terny whom is 8wks old in my womb.

one fateful morning, 3-3-08, Grandpa was sick hence mummy tern had to go to work by bus. Just 4 stop away from the office, mummy could not bear with the sudden wave of nauseous and giddiness. She decided to alight on the next stop. Therefore mummy ended up walking three bus stop to her office. It was a horrible day for mummy as her bosses were oversea and had to oversee many things in their absence. She 'braved' through the squeezy feelings but things did not change for a good turn. Instead she woke up feeling more unwell the next morning.

4-3-08, Mummy Tern decided to consult the GP. It went like this:

Doc: how are you feeling?
Mummy: bad. nauseous. vomitted. giddy. tired.
Doc: hmmm... anything else?
Mummy: actaully I missed my menses. It is usually late by 1-2wks.. is it important?
Doc: Do you feel... blah blah blah (what forgot what the doc says.. hahaha )
Mummy: yes, yes, yes... but i can't be pregnant right? Maybe I just gained weight... hmmm..
Doc: we better not take any chance. Let's test your urine.

*** mummy tern came back with her urine
Doc: this is gonna be very fast.
*** 1 min passed.. two strokes appeared from the kit
Mummy: Ah Ha!
Doc: you are pregnant.
Mummy: huh... (am i dreamin?)
Doc: you should be at 6th week. It is still very small. You have to make decision if you want to keep the baby. (he babbled too many things. Mummy just could not hear him)
Mummy: okie thank you. i will talk to the baby's father.

Well, the story went on like this... Mummy called Granny Sandy and Great Aunt Michelle.
Granny Sandy's response: Are you sure? then now you have to...... (as usual Mummy is too shocked to absorb)
Aunt Michelle: Are you sure? Come to office quick...

Mummy then smsed to Daddy and Uncle Patrick:
6th wk pregnant...

Uncle Patrick: are you joking? ......

No reply from Daddy after an hour, Mummy decided to call him.
Mummy: Dear ah, doc says i m pregnant le. now 6th weeks. how?
Daddy: Ah, I am going to be daddy??!

how come the family is more shocked than happy leh?

When Great Aunt Catherine called back from oversea...
Mummy: Good morning, you are going to be Great Aunt...
Great Aunt Catherine: Huh? *took some time to response* Oh... Good lo... good...

Poor baby terny.. seems like nobody welcome you... WRONG! Everyone is so elated now! Be good okie.. Mummy and Daddy love you!