Thursday, March 12, 2009

19-02-2009 Jade can flip by herself. 4mth old on 23-02-2009.

Finally managed to squeeze in some time to blog.

My Little Jade finally can flip on 19-02-3009, thursday. I went off to the kitchen for a while and when I returned to the living room, little Jade whom was supposed to lie on her back on her LG playmat, was on top on her little baby piglet. I was too shocked to take any photos.. but it was a delightful scene. so cute!

So I thought... maybe she didnt flip.. maybe I was the one whom placed her on her tummy. So... I placed her on her back again. This time she elegantly flipped in front of me.

She's been trying to flip since so long ago.. I think when she just passed her full month, she's been trying very hard to flip. Finally! I felt so happy for her as she always look so angry and made angry cries when she could not flip.

Happiness do not last long. A few days later after she managed to flip more easily, her legs began to push herself very roughly. Hmm... I guess, she is tryin to crawl???? Sometimes, I hope my little girl is not the impatient type!!! Still... she began to turn into an 'angry' baby when she could not lift herself up.... But sometimes she managed to move like a caterpillar..

I wonder when she can crawl. Today is 12-03-2009, two weeks later, Little Jade will be 5months.

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