Friday, March 26, 2010

Jade n Raisin

Jade's been snacking on raisins since starting of this week. My friend gave her 1yr old boy some raisins in bread pudding which prompts me to start giving her some dry fruits for a change.

she's loving it and can exchange a latch on session with raisins! but after a while, she will still come back for a mini latch on. must be her itchy gums!!!

i was wondering if snacking on too raisin is bad for toddlers. and below are some of the findings from the internet. i didnt know i m posing such risk to Jade! usually i does research on the food that i m going to introduce to her but this is really negligence on my part.

healthy snack as it is a good source of iron, fibre and potassium, and other antioxidents

tooth decay(if left stuck in teeth), may cause cavities
potential choking hazards

some sites suggest to soak in water and puree the raisins, add to cereal or other food.
take organics raisins(as those that are not organics may contains pesticides)
wait till child is three-four years old, they can chew n swallow better.
brush teeth after a raisin snacking, or rinse it down with water to prevent it sticking on teeth


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